Top 10 Covid-19 Lockdown Positive Impact in India on The Environment

With everyone trapped at home, as Covid-19 creates havoc with the world in economic terms, trains and flights are canceled to reduce travel. Life as we know it has changed in days and beyond recognition. The coronavirus has taken the lives of people around the world and we can see the numbers as soon as we turn on the TV. Governments around the world are taking every precaution they can take to prevent the spread. However, if we look closely, the pandemic also has some Covid-19 Lockdown Positive Impact on the Environment.

1. Improve The Air Quality Index (AQI)

Delhi before and after the closure

Since the Janta curfew on March 22 until now, there has been a significant drop in the Air Quality Index (AQI) across the country. This is just because of the Covid-19 lockdown positive impact in India

Check the Air Quality Index in your area

2. The Himalaya mountain range has seen after 30 years

The Himalayas, Dhauladhar, visible from Jalandhar, Punjab (Credit: CNN)

With the reduction of air pollution due to Covid-19 Lockdown Positive Impact in India on the Environment, people in Punjab can see the Himalayan ranges from more than 100 miles away.

3. There is no traffic in Bangalore

Silk seal without traffic

With companies asking their employees to work from home, they have cut vehicles on the road. The famous Silk Board Junction, known for the worst traffic jam in Bangalore, is empty due to the Covid-19 lockdown positive impact in India.

4. Reduction of air pollution in Bangkok

Bangkok before and after the closure

Another Covid-19 Lockdown Positive Impact in India is air pollution reduction. Just a month ago, schools closed in Bangkok due to an increase in air pollution. With the blockade, the air quality has improved mainly due to the drop in road traffic.

5. Clean water in the Yamuna River

Yamuna River before and after the closure

With the interruption of industrial waste and pollutants from the Yamuna River, there has been a positive effect on the quality of the river’s water. There is no doubt it happens just for the Covid-19 lockdown positive impact in India on the Environment.

6. Taj Mahal free from contamination

Taj Mahal before and after the bull run

Air pollution reduced in Agra due to the Covid-19 lockdown positive impact in India, the Taj Mahal looks very vibrant in clean air.

7. Ganges Drinking Water

See Ganges river before and after the Lockdown

With the closure and reduction of water pollution in many states in India, the water of the Ganges River is now suitable for drinking after the necessary treatment.

8. There is no traffic in Sao Paulo

No traffic on São Paulo’s highways

Covid-19 lockdown positive impact seen not only in India. With the Lockdown, the most populous city in South America, Sao Paulo, now witnesses to calm streets and clearer skies.

9. The swans return to the canals of Venice

Swans on the canals of Venice

Swans can be seen in the canals of Venice after the government imposed the national lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak in Italy.

10. Animals roam freely in the streets

The streets are full of animals (Credit: NY Times)

Wild animals can be seen roaming freely in various parts of the world as humans are confined to their homes due to the lockdown of the coronavirus.

So, we can observe a lot of Covid-19 lockdown positive impact in India along with the entire world. The air pollution dropped, River and lakes water have been cleared, and Obviously it is a good sign for slowing Global Warming.

Moreover, those wild animals also now believe that this universe is not for only human beings.

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