8 Places To Visit In Nalanda

Nalanda is a city located in the Indian state of Bihar. It is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site. Also, it was home to one of the largest universities in ancient times. This article will tell you about a few of the best places to visit in Nalanda for a vacation you’ll never forget.

Today, Nalanda is a popular place for tourists to visit in India because it has a lot of history and culture to learn about. 

History Of Nalanda

Nalanda is a historical learning center located in the Indian state of Bihar. This school was started almost 2,000 years ago, which makes it one of the oldest universities known to have existed. 

The Gupta Empire built Nalanda in the fifth century AD. Since then, Asian students have gone there to learn. In addition, its vast library drew hundreds of students from India and abroad.

During its heyday, the university was supported by many emperors, and many great scholars, such as Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, and Dharmapala, went there to study. 

Some subjects taught at Nalanda were philosophy, logic, grammar, medicine, astronomy, and the arts. Well-known professors like Dignaga and Vasubandhu taught these and other issues.

Why Should You Visit Nalanda?

Nalanda is an ancient Buddhist Unesco World Heritage Site in Bihar, India. From the fifth century to 1200 CE, it was one of South Asia’s most famous and respected places of higher education. 

Visitors should visit Nalanda to appreciate its long history and learn about its significance. The university features temples, monasteries, and stupas that remain intact today. 

A museum on the site displays Nalanda-excavated money, texts, statues, and more. These archaeological treasures provide insight into the educational system at Nalanda centuries ago. 

Visitors can also check out the nearby ruins and join local monks for meditation sessions.

Places To Visit In Nalanda

1. Nalanda University

Nalanda University is an ancient learning center located in the Magadha region of India. 

Its monasteries were known for their vast libraries containing innumerable texts covering various topics. In addition, students could relax in the university’s parks or practice grappling or archery between lessons.

Nalanda’s ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of their historical and Buddhist relevance.

2. Hiuen Tsang Memorial Hall

The Hiuen Tsang Memorial Hall is a historical site in Nalanda, India. It is a memorial for the world-renowned scholar and traveler Xuanzang, also known as Hiuen Tsang. 

It commemorated Hiuen Tsang’s tour to Nalanda and was built in 1956. Hiuen Tsang searched Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India for Buddhist texts in the seventh century AD.

He is said to have stayed at Nalanda for several years studying under its renowned master’s. The memorial hall houses statues of both Hiuen Tsang and his master Silabhadra, alongside replicas of some manuscripts that he translated while he was here.

3. The Great Stupa – Places To Visit In Nalanda

The Great Stupa is an ancient Buddhist monument of great historical significance. The revered Emperor Ashoka built this splendid building in Sanchi, India, in the 3rd century BC.

It’s a powerful reminder of the teachings and philosophy of Buddhism that have been shared among millions for centuries. This grand Stupa is composed of several concentric circles that are said to represent different aspects of enlightenment. 

The inner circle is believed to be the most sacred and contains relics from Buddha himself. In addition to its spiritual purpose, it served as a hub for trade, education, and art during its heyday.

4. Pawapuri

The Jains consider Pawapuri to be a holy place. It is in the eastern Indian state of Bihar, in the Nalanda district. 

A long time ago, Pawapuri and Mall Mahajanpad shared the same capital. Later, Mahajanpad became part of the Magadha kingdom, and Ajatshatru was a follower of Lord Mahavira. 

Hastipal was the name of Pawapuri’s king when Ajatshatru was in charge. When Mahavira was in Pawapuri, he stayed in the king’s palace. 

Lord Mahavira was laid to rest here in 500 BC, so people consider it a holy place. Since Lord Mahavira was cremated here, the site is also called Apapuri, which means “town without sin.” 

After the cremation, there was a rush to collect the ashes. This caused a layer of soil to be removed, which caused a pond to form. 

Later, this pond was turned into a lotus pond, and a marble temple called Jalmandir was built in the middle. So the place has a lot of history and is full of culture. 

The Rajgir Dance Festival and Chhath Puja are two traditional events held here. Many different types of classical dance are shown at the Rajgir Dance Festival.

5. Nalanda Archaeological Museum

Bihar’s Nalanda Heritage Museum holds archaic relics and history. Indian government founded this museum in 1971 near the ruins of Nalanda University, one of India’s oldest and most esteemed colleges.

This museum has many 3rd-century BC statues, money, writings, and documents. Nalanda Ancient Museum’s relics reveal India’s old culture and customs.

Buddhist mythology-themed stone statues stand out. In addition, the museum exhibits Buddhist artifacts like stupas, metal figures, fabrics, drawings, and pots.

6. Kundalpur – Places To Visit In Nalanda

Kundalpur, just outside of Nalanda, is thought to be where Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Jain Tirthankara, was born. It is also where Gautam Swamiji was born. 

Gautam Swamiji was the first person Lord Mahavira taught. A grand shrine with gorgeous towers surrounds a four-and-a-half-foot Bhagwan Mahavira Padmasana figure to mark his birthplace.

Trikal Chaubeesi Jinmandir is a peaceful place inside the complex. It has 72 statues of Tirthankaras, one for each past, present, and future.

7. Surya Mandir

This temple is close to Nalanda University. It is dedicated to the Sun God. 

In this temple, both Buddhist and Hindu gods are worshiped. However, the idol of Goddess Parvati, five feet tall, is the most beautiful. 

The Chatth Puja is held here twice a year, in the Hindu months of Vaishakha and Kartika, and is a significant event.

8. Nav Nalanda Mahavihara

The government of Bihar set up Nav Nalanda Mahavihara in 1951. It is a great place to show people from the modern world ancient traditions. 

It was built as a modern Buddhist center, and it now helps teach people about the ancient Pali script and the Buddhist religion. So if you want to learn about the roots and history of Buddhism, this is a great place to go.

How Much Does The Average Hotel Cost In Nalanda?

The average price of a hotel in Nalanda depends on the time of year, the type of hotel, and the services it offers. However, several budget-friendly options exist for an affordable stay while visiting the area. 

However, if you’re looking for something more luxurious or with more features, you must know what price range you are comfortable spending. For those traveling on a budget, many low-cost hotels in the city center provide basic amenities such as air conditioning and Wi-Fi access. 

These hotels usually charge around Rs 1000 per night. On the other hand, for those wanting something more luxurious, four and 5-star hotels can range from Rs 3000-8000 per night depending on the quality and services provided.

Best Time To Visit Nalanda

Nalanda is best visited between October and March when temperatures are more comfortable for touring. 

This gives tourists plenty of time to explore its many attractions, including the ruins of a famous old university, temples, stupas, and a Buddhist relic museum. 

Therefore, while coming during the peak season may result in higher costs, visitors will likely find more pleasant conditions than at other times of the year.


In conclusion, Nalanda is an ancient city with fascinating attractions and landmarks. From the ruins of Nalanda University to the serene beauty of Pawapuri Lake, there’s something for everyone in this historical wonderland. 

With its rich heritage, captivating attractions, and spiritual atmosphere, visiting Nalanda is an unforgettable experience. So, why pack your bags and explore all these beautiful city offers?

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